Ethiopia 50 Dollars Specimen 1945 P15cs2 PMG Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ FINEST
EEtthhiiooppiiaa 5500 DDoollllaarrss SSppeecciimmeenn 11994455 PP1155ccss22 PPMMGG SSuuppeerrbb GGeemm UUnncc 6677 EEPPQQ FFIINNEESSTT

Ethiopia 50 Dollars Specimen 1945 P15cs2 PMG Superb Gem Unc 67 EPQ FINEST


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Country : Ethiopia
Issuer : State Bank of Ethiopia
Date : ND (1945)
Pick Number : P15cs2 / B204cs
Denomination : 50 Dollars
Printer : Security Banknote Company
Variety : Specimen
Grade : PMG Superb Gem Uncirculated 67 EPQ

Emperor Haile Selassie
Black inks on a multicolored underprint.
Emperor Selassie beside the Parliament building on the front.
Lion of Judah on the back.

Three red SPECIMEN overprints on the front, two on the back.
Two hole punch cancellations through the signature panel.


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